Distributed Symmetric Key Exchange

Delivering the industry’s first symmetric key distribution technology that achieves future-proofed security at scale, without asymmetric encryption.

How it works

Our technology, Distributed Symmetric Key Exchange (DSKE), is the industry’s first symmetric key distribution technology that delivers future-proofed security at scale without the use of any asymmetric cryptography.


Our core technology, Distributed Symmetric Key Exchange (DSKE), delivers symmetric key distribution with perfect secrecy. DSKE comes with a formal security proof about unbreakability from quantum and classical computational attacks.

Scale with Ease

Standard pre-shared key solutions present bottle neck in large deployments. Our solutions can scale to thousands of sites and provide keys to any number of network appliances.

Integrate Effortlessly

Seamlessly integrate DSKE into your organization’s existing operations, infrastructure and industry-standard encryption algorithms. Our solutions are designed to integrate at any layer of the stack leveraging existing standard ports and API.

Trusted technology for defense-in-depth

Organizations rely on key distribution to exchange and protect highly sensitive data. But legacy key management processes can be error-prone, expensive to manage – and breakable. Distributed Symmetric Key Exchange (DSKE) is a modern key distribution technology. It fully automates the creation and distribution of symmetric keys, without relying on computational complexity or asymmetric encryption. DSKE is the industry’s first scalable symmetric key technology, combining the scalability of PKI, the security of quantum key distribution (QKD) and the simplicity of pre-shared keys.

Automate the creation and distribution of symmetric keys

DSKE provides your organization with information-theoretically secure, quantum-safe cryptographic keys to protect data across network communications today, and in the future.

Publications And Security Proof

DSKE clients receive secret random data from multiple security hubs. The DSKE protocol allows clients to generate symmetric keys protected by secret sharing. The security hubs cannot discover client’s keys unless a majority collude. Read more about DSKE from our white paper and security proof.